Television 3D, the passage at the third dimension

Television 3D HD ready
Impossible to escape to the new « revolution » concerning our televisions: Passage to third dimension with television 3D. After having lost in depth with flat screen and gained in precision with HD, here they are which take relief, following monitors. Televisions in 3D, a risked bet but without doubt necessary to offer always more content to spectators who turn away from television more and more in aid of web and Internet.
Television 3D, in immersion

Television 3D HD ready
Image in relief is an old dream of mad scientist in lack of strong sensations. Theory has been known for a long time and controlled knowledge since the beginning of XX century. Problem of stereoscopic image (3D) comes from a simple optical reality: space which separates our two eyes permits to receive two images weakly shifted of a same reality. Our brain makes them merge and reconstitutes information relative to the size of objects (length, height and depth)
To recreate this particular running, it is enough to send to left eye a scene taken under a certain angle and to the right eye the same scene taken with a weak interval. It is precisely the part of glasses distributed at cinema or sold with players or televisions 3D Ready : in function of information received by the transmitter (platinum or screen), they mask images that does not have to receive on of the two eyes, brain translating then data. To run properly, this dispositive must be coupled to an adapted content.
Two solutions coexist then: either the taking of shot was directly made in 3D (that it results easy for animation films and video games) thanks to a set of various cameras or cameras with double focal, or images taken in 2D have been « converted » in 3D. To palliate the weakness of origin offer 3D, in fact, constructors have elaborated complex algorithms of extrapolation of image 2D whose results, often very convincing, depend on source quality.
To recreate this particular running, it is enough to send to left eye a scene taken under a certain angle and to the right eye the same scene taken with a weak interval. It is precisely the part of glasses distributed at cinema or sold with players or televisions 3D Ready : in function of information received by the transmitter (platinum or screen), they mask images that does not have to receive on of the two eyes, brain translating then data. To run properly, this dispositive must be coupled to an adapted content.
Two solutions coexist then: either the taking of shot was directly made in 3D (that it results easy for animation films and video games) thanks to a set of various cameras or cameras with double focal, or images taken in 2D have been « converted » in 3D. To palliate the weakness of origin offer 3D, in fact, constructors have elaborated complex algorithms of extrapolation of image 2D whose results, often very convincing, depend on source quality.
Television 3D, test obliges

Television 3D HD ready
With our televisions HD, now we control perfectly the technology 3D. Rendering is in the majority of case bluffing and we are far away from remote shapeless red and blue images from twenty years. Nevertheless be careful: we often note an darkening of the image and, in case of video games, conversions are unequal, when they do not alter original quality of title (in particular in PS3). So it is greatly advised to try any product marked three dimensions before buying.
So the true brake to the announced tidal wave seems glasses that many people judge unattractive, or even disagreeable (headaches, nauseas…). The auto-stereoscopy or alioscopy, from the name of its French inventor Pierre Alio, will permit without doubt to surmount this problem because there are screens, by a skilful lenses play, which serve as glasses. In particular, this technique will put into practice by Nintendo 3DS foreseen for Spring 2011.
So the true brake to the announced tidal wave seems glasses that many people judge unattractive, or even disagreeable (headaches, nauseas…). The auto-stereoscopy or alioscopy, from the name of its French inventor Pierre Alio, will permit without doubt to surmount this problem because there are screens, by a skilful lenses play, which serve as glasses. In particular, this technique will put into practice by Nintendo 3DS foreseen for Spring 2011.
Television 3D, field depth

Television 3D HD ready
The passage to 3D seems starting to last and begins to modify in depth the audiovisual ecosystem. The renewal of televisions park will certainly be accelerated, methods of taking shots will change drastically to integrate concretely the depth, as well as immersion feeling- and visual experiment will take, itself too, another dimension. Beyond, it is the same contents transmission which it is leaded to develop: asking a bigger number of images, 3D requires too a passant band more important and optical fibre should naturally benefit it. Avatar that never.
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