

Masturbation in woman, a natural and normal practice

Discover benefits from woman masturbation

Feminine masturbation, a subject even more taboo. However, masturbation is a current and above all, normal practice. Women use different techniques to masturbate themselves and gain diverse benefits, from orgasm. Ladies, if you feel guilty to put your hand in your pants from time to time, reinsure you, there is nothing more normal, more natural and more human. Stop feeling guilty when you read as it follows!

Masturbation belongs to life!

Feminine masturbation
Feminine masturbation
Singles, in couple who goes well or in couple who go bad, women are more numerous as we think to masturbate themselves. Difficult to imagine but the teacher of your last little girl, your neighbour of 62 years old, your friend Julie of office, your yoga teacher or even your mother-in-law masturbate maybe well from time to time… And then? No shame, no mockery, has its place in relation to that phenomenon.

Of course, it does not matter to go and shout in full supermarket that you you masturbate and you are proud of it… but to have shame, feeling guilty and feeling abnormal or nymphomaniac because of that would be a grave error. Masturbation is a normal and human, natural gesture. Besides, numerous sexologists affirm that women who regularly masturbate have a sexual life more blooming. Feminine masturbation makes neither blind, nor death, neither stupid nor bald and does not grow nose hairs before the hour!

Then, what does the masturbation bring to the woman who dares to devote it?

Masturbation benefits in woman

Masturbation in woman
Masturbation in woman
Of course, masturbation may be practised when one is single or in couple with a partner who crosses a bad phase and who is so inactive or sexually incompetent very often, masturbation has been practised as a complement of a sexual couple life already very bloomy. In fact, masturbation is not synonym of lack or sexual frustration.

Solitary pleasure brings to women who have adopted it another manner to discover their body, to have sensations and to give pleasure. Sexual act with one partner is sure very fun but solitary pleasure is as much and in a different manner. Lady can concentrate on HER pleasure to her, does not force to go too fast and too slow, to go on her rhythm and to do what her body dictates to her. She may even tell her discoveries to her partner in order to make sexual relations even more intense and satisfying.

Masturbating oneself permits relax, bring a great relieve, a great relief. In fact, at the orgasm moment, our brain liberates endorphins -hormones which give well-being and relax. And nowadays, who refuses a small of relaxation, of total detachment? So solitary pleasure helps to find faster sleep too.

How do women masturbate themselves?

Feminine masturbation - masturbation in woman
Feminine masturbation - masturbation in woman
Primordial thing when solitary pleasure remains fantasy. In fact, it is very difficult to excite her and to wake sexual desire if she does not imagine a small scenario – sexy by preference! Because unless preparation of strawberries charlotte wakes the tigress which sleeps in you, better think about an erotic scene…

The more common technique is, of course, what it consists to use her fingers. Elongated on the back or on the belly, (rarer), woman caresses her clitoris and her lips. Certain insert one or various fingers in their vagina, other content to stimulate their clitoris and remain in surface. The other hand is generally used for caresses (breast the more often, hair, thighs...) and sometimes to exert a pressure at the low belly level, that has for objective to accelerate orgasm arrival. Certain women having the clitoris particularly sensible, masturbate trough a tissue (generally their pants). Of course, each one has her own technique, her rhythm, etc…

Others use a pillow, a cuddly toy, a sofa corner, a chair, a towel, etc... Then they rub on the object until they have orgasm. Sex toys (dildos, vibrators...) may also participate to solitary pleasure of these ladies. Then, they are inserted into vagina or into anus, or sometimes simply rubbed along lips.

Certain women practise masturbation in the shower, thanks to the water jet which they direct between their legs… Others tighten or cross simply their thighs and contract their buttock muscles to have pleasure.

To each woman her technique… The important is finally to be blooming and to not feel guilty, because, remember it, masturbation remains a normal and natural phenomenon.

Read equally about the benefits of feminine masturbation

Written by Florence GUILLAUME, December 29th 2010.
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Themes approached and treated in this publication : joy, masturbation, pleasure, sex, sex toys, woman