

Canada, great lakes round

Canada & great Canadian lakes

Canada is famous for its strong concentration in lakes. Turquoise waters, dense forests, rocky mount and white coat… It is a whole wild and preserved landscape which lets it discover. Horizon tour on Canadian lakes.

Canada & great Canadian lakes

Yoho national park
Yoho national park
Who says « lake » does not mean necessarily small water point surrounded by ground, whose hikers like to do the tour. No, certain, as Canadian lakes are immense and offer as horizon a vast water area dignified of seas and oceans…

The Britannic Colombia, for example, counts not less than eight hundred sixty-one lakes. The national Yoho park, located in west side of Rocky mountains, shelters a few nature marvels: glaciers, cascades, vertiginous water falls (of which the highest of Canada as the very frequented Niagara Falls). The Emerald lake belongs to this dream decor, and impresses by colour and natural elements contrasts.

As you follow small ground paths, you will benefit from remarkable sites of view on clear water and green valleys. You will discover too the exceptional and historic site of Burgess Shale, which holds marine animals species fossils in perfect state, dating from five hundred fifteen millions years. National Yoho park appears between seven national and provincial parks which constitute together the site inscribed to the world patrimony.

Canada, small lakes in big Prairies

Manitoba and its lakes
Manitoba and its lakes
Manitoba – Canadian Prairies province—counts concerning it more than one hundred lakes. Three of them are located on the remote glacial prehistoric area Agassiz, disappeared mysteriously 8.200 years ago, emptying in Atlantic ocean and providing a cooling of the climate in Europe during two centuries.

Today, we will find here Winnipeg lake whose name means « muddy waters» ; Manitoba lake, which, according to the legend, would shelter a monster nicknamed « Manipogo » ; and Winnipegosis, recognized for pikes fishing and its numerous populations of migrant birds. Wood lake, straddled on Manitoba, Ontario as well as in Minnesota American state, is also considered as on of the vestiges of Agassiz lake.

Canada, facetious waters…

Gatineau park
Gatineau park
Quebec lakes are named funnily as Cretin lake, I cannot stand more lake, lake in Heart... If you go there, make a tour near Pink lake. It contains remotes forms of bacteria which prevent form any oxygen presence and so of life in the bottom of lake (only one fish specie lives in it, a variant of fresh water of stickleback with three spines.

Located in Gatineau Park at proximity of Ottawa capital, Pink lake is a haven of peace where it is good to walk, for lack to bath oneself. A little far away in Saguenay region is situated San John lake, having a rich environment and stunning landscapes. Each year, campers invert beaches to benefit from a veritable seaside station, with water close to 25°C in summer.

Canada, ice seas…

Yukon river
Yukon river
Located at Alaska border, Yukon territory is the smallest of Canada federal territories. Because there is no exotic and sunny isles which merit to be known, Yukon region is liked for its polar landscapes, its glacier lakes, long and narrow, principally concentration in the South of the region. Laberge lake is an enlargement of Yukon river, where it is possible to perceive aurora borealis.

Between snow-covered mountains, firs forests and fresh water, you will be able to navigate on board of a canoe, warm up around a camp fire, or even try bath. You will discover a wild landscape which takes you on the road of gold researcher, very present in the XIX century in this country part, whose poet Robert W. Service speaks highly in its writings.

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Written by Corinne Duré, December 27th 2010.
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Themes approached and treated in this publication : canada, countryside, lakes, landscape, tourism, water