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Cancer, the benefits from aspirin are confirmed
Aspirin would permit to reduce mortality linked with certain cancers. In fact, aspirin at feeble doses reduces mortality due to certain current cancers....
Numerical identity, toward a responsible surfing
Numerical reputation and numerical identity are terms more and more approached with multiplication of social networks on Internet. Whereas internet users sow...
arts and culture
sports and leisure
health and well-being
Solar system from its creation to its decline
Solar system is a set of planets and moons centred on Sun. It includes nine planets, whose Earth, more than sixty moons and many other celestial objects, whose thousands of asteroids. Sun contains more than 99% of matter of the solar system, and its powerful gravity maintains the system set. Each object, from the smallest asteroid to Jupiter, the biggest planet, is in orbit around Sun. At the extreme limit of solar system, a comets...
California submerged by giant squids
Why is our hair so different?
Happiness is in hormone
What is the origin of Olympic Games?
Olympic Games gather, each four years, the best sportsmen of the whole world, around a multitude of sporting disciplines and competitions. This sportive worldwide manifestation, which permits to populations to meet and to measure the ones to the others, causes keen interest and crowds enthusiasm. But what is the exact origin of Olympic Games? Olympic Games have existed for near 3,000 years. Created in Greece in 776 before Christ, they...
Bit-lit, new fashionable literary genre
Swimming, an ally for physical and mental well-being
Swimming is a complete and very accessible sport, permitting a marked improvement of physical and mental well-being and of the figure! When swimming practice, almost all the body muscles are solicited, everything in softness and without pain, thanks to the weakness of body in water… let’s have your bathing suits! Swimming presents very few counter-indications and address to almost everybody: old people, pregnant women, people in...
Cross-country skiing, a winter activity excellent for health!
Partner-swapping, a sexual practice more and more spread
Partner-swapping, a sexual practice more and more spread, however partner-swapping must not be considered as an ordinary sexual act. Tempt a partner-swapping experience needs a good and sincere discussion between the two partners. Solidity, confidence and communication within the couple are essential to be able to go in for partner-swapping without endangering one’s couple… Nevertheless, it has not to forget that risk of quarrel, of...
Make love for the first time
Anorexia and bulimia, problem of numerous teenagers
Skin cares in man
Nintendo 3DS, play in total immersion
Nintendo 3DS, play in total immersion, Nintendo and its portable console 3D, dive in your games in depth with Nintendo 3DS! Bluffing! The term impose to anybody who had the chance to touch the future portable Nintendo console, the famous Nintendo 3DS yet. Introducing a true depth in its video fames, without as far as obliging the user to burden of glasses as well unattractive as disagreeable, the Japanese maker marks the occasion,...
Twitter, small tweet and long speech
Tactile tablets, inventory before Christmas
Compact numerical camcorder, it is in the pocket
health and well-being
Skin cares in man
Greaser and thicker than that of women, masculine skin needs adapted cares, too often neglected by these gentlemen. Face cares destined to men are numerous today and it has not to hesitate to use them! Zoom on the right habits to adopt... Male hormones confer various...
Ecstasy dangers, a drug more and more popular
Anorexia and bulimia, problem of numerous teenagers
Bulimia and anorexia are alimentary behaviour troubles which affected in majority girls, at teenager age. Teenagers are the main victims from anorexia and remain extremely affected by bulimia... For each of us, alimentary behaviour is determined at the same time by a set of...
Stress psychology: understanding better stress and its symptoms
women, feminine magazine
Live better the first troubles of menopause
Hot flushes, sleep troubles, irregular periods, live the first troubles of menopause is not always easy in the majority of women. In fact, menopause never occurs suddenly but is preceded by an announcing time accompanied by hormonal troubles difficulty controllable. It is above...
Natural solutions to have beautiful muscled buttocks
Partner-swapping, a sexual practice more and more spread
Partner-swapping, a sexual practice more and more spread, however partner-swapping must not be considered as an ordinary sexual act. Tempt a partner-swapping experience needs a good and sincere discussion between the two partners. Solidity, confidence and communication within...
Make love for the first time
travels and world discovery
Visit Mexico city: one of the biggest town in the world
Mexico city is a town rich at historic level. In the past called Tenochtitlan, it owns Aztec and Maya treasures, we can visit numerous museums whose artists have an international fame such as Diego Rivera or Frida Kalho. Mexico city is one of the towns most populated of the...
At the discovery of Boston, Massachusetts capital
Boston, Massachusetts and New England capital, remains a town active and particularly intellectual, reputed, between others, for its strong concentration of students, its downtown, (the oldest of the United States), Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market, the place most animated of the...
sports and leisure
Swimming, an ally for physical and mental well-being
Swimming is a complete and very accessible sport, permitting a marked improvement of physical and mental well-being and of the figure! When swimming practice, almost all the body muscles are solicited, everything in softness and without pain, thanks to the weakness of body in...
Cross-country skiing, a winter activity excellent for health!
Cross-country skiing remains a winter activity very agreeable, which makes to work all the muscles in softness and permits to benefit from startling landscapes which offer forest and mountain. Whatever one is beginner or confirmed skier, one will find his happiness on skiing...
Mangosteen, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory fruit
Magosteen is from Asia where it is used from centuries, mangosteen is a fruit with remarkable therapeutic properties. Those are xanthones,...
Sexomnia, sexual somnambulism at risk!
Sexomnia is a phenomenon of sexual somnambulism. Sexomnia is a kind of sexual somnambulism which has nothing of a perversion or an...
Shea, an African secret
Shea has so many properties that all the countries of West Africa use as well as in health and beauty fields... If we believe history, the...
Mangosteen, an anti-oxidant an...
Sexomnia, sexual somnambulism at risk!
Shea, an African secret
arts and culture
What is the origin of Olympic Games?
Olympic Games gather, each four years, the best sportsmen of the whole world, around a multitude of sporting disciplines and competitions. This sportive worldwide manifestation, which permits to populations to meet and to measure the ones to the others, causes keen interest and...
Bit-lit, new fashionable literary genre
Bit-lit is a new literary genre in France which seduces particularly women of all ages and principally teenagers. Bit-lit, what is it? To discover what is bit lit, direction book fair and Bragelonne stand – Milady to discover what it is hidden behind this Anglophone term...
Headlines news today !
Visit Kruger park, in South Africa
Happiness is in hormone
How to prevent stretchmarks during pregnancy ?
Benefits from lavender in natural state or in essential lavender oil
Tactile tablets, inventory before Christmas
Shea, an African secret
Sexomnia, sexual somnambulism at risk!
Compact numerical camcorder, it is in the pocket
Cancer, the benefits from aspirin are confirmed
Numerical identity, toward a responsible surfing
Photograph 3D, photagraph takes a new dimension
Choose a haircut according to one’s face form
Bit-lit, new fashionable literary genre
Mangosteen, an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory fruit
The most read today ...
Make love for the first time
Partner-swapping, a sexual practice more and more spread
Advice to make a good erotic massage to your man
Sexomnia, sexual somnambulism at risk!
Choose a haircut according to one’s face form
Visit Mexico city: one of the biggest town in the world
Masturbation in woman, a natural and normal practice
What is the origin of Olympic Games?
Solar system from its creation to its decline
Anorexia and bulimia, problem of numerous teenagers
Kawaii trend
Bit-lit, new fashionable literary genre
How to prevent stretchmarks during pregnancy ?
Cancer, the benefits from aspirin are confirmed
Twitter, small tweet and long speech
Stress psychology: understanding better stress and its symptoms
Peter Pan syndrome : children men
Ecstasy dangers, a drug more and more popular
Happiness is in hormone
Skin cares in man
Compact numerical camcorder, it is in the pocket
Compact numerical camcorders, the compact numerical camcorder pursues its technological catching up and integrates tactile functions. New compact numerical camcorders...
Photograph 3D, photagraph takes a new dimension
Twitter, small tweet and long speech
In France, social network Twitter has difficulties to impose itself. However, this intelligent social network Twitter, equate concision with information. Small...
computer science
Tactile tablets, inventory before Christmas
In tactile tablets universe, Apple with its iPad is not the unique anymore in the market. Whereas Christmas is approaching, Dell, Archos, Samsung and Toshiba suggest at...
video games magazine
Nintendo 3DS, play in total immersion
Nintendo 3DS, play in total immersion, Nintendo and its portable console 3D, dive in your games in depth with Nintendo 3DS! Bluffing! The term impose to anybody who had...
Popular themes ...
Why is our hair so different?
travels and world discovery
Visit Mexico city: one of the biggest town in the world
arts and culture
What is the origin of Olympic Games?
sports and leisure
Swimming, an ally for physical and mental well-being
women, feminine magazine
Live better the first troubles of menopause
health and well-being
Skin cares in man
Compact numerical camcorder, it is in the pocket
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